A new Devil May Cry game returns with great combat, spectacular battle sequences and nice visuals.

User Rating: 8 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
There's one thing that should be cleared up before I even begin: this does not feel like Devil May Cry. The names are the same, some abilities are the same, even aspects of the characters are the same. But this game does not line up with the rest of the series. Considering the fact that it is a reboot, though, all of these things are both good and bad. Because the list of issues with this game are short, I'll start with them: much of the dialogue is almost painful to listen to. On top of that, the voice acting, while excellent on some characters, is extremely lacking on others. My final complaint was early on in the game, where Dante finds himself if a classic Dante-esque wig, and says "Not in a million years." Why, Ninja Theory? Is your need to antagonize us really that great? Now to the positive. The graphics are very good. While only moderate in some areas, the attention to detail on the characters was excellent. The hair, clothing, and hell, even the skin looked fantastic. The combat, while a bit difficult to fully grasp at first, allows you to achieve amazing combos by giving you the ability to instantly switch between any obtained weapon. The upgrade system, while different from previous titles, is very easy to understand and gives you a good understanding of what each upgrade will do. The enemies, while sometimes repetitive, are diverse enough to keep the combat from becoming stale. And finally, Dante. Does he have the occasional blunt humor of the original Dante? Sure. Are there similarities other than that?...Unfortunately, not really. But the character is by no means unlikable, and he's what we get. No amount of complaining will change that, at least for a quite a while. Overall, I loved this game. The self-entitled **** spamming the ratings with low scores should actually play the game instead of sitting in their pile of butt-hurt. Bravo, Ninja Theory. I can't wait to see where you go with the series.