A charming and surprisingly deep mmorpg with a stunning sense of humor and unique concepts.
It has a intricate battle system that combines simple elements to the surface and a deep enough core to satisfy all gamers. Its presentation is charming and fresh and it quickly entices and addicts you from the first 10 minutes to the early morning. The community is generally very friendly also.
Its main flaw is its free to play restrictions, some power balance issues, and its failure to satisfy in the sound department.
Graphics - 8
Perhaps its most alluring aspect, cartoony and 2D, with some very nice animations. Character designs and items all click together nicely. Its main flaw is the enviorments tend to look boring and bland.
Gameplay - 8
A vast selection of moves, a somewhat light level of customization and a tactical turn based strategy mmorpg. All in all it comes together well and performs exceedingly.
Sound - 6
Some somewhat repetitive soundtracks, and bland effects. All leaving the player underwhelmed.
Overall - 8.8
Its most endearing aspect is its amazing online community and its surprising addiction factor. Its defiantly worth checking out.