This game brought so much more than I expected with its addicting and sometimes humiliating gameplay.
User Rating: 9 | Dokapon Kingdom for Wii WII
I did not expect much from Dokapon Kingdom. I had been following it for a while and it was actually fairly hard to find in my local area. I should have expected more. This game blew my mind at simplistic complexity it offers up to four people to play. The different classes, dungeons, magic and weapons all add to an intense competition that is so much fun. Be ready for a time commitment... this game took a group of two others and I about twenty hours to complete the story mode and we did not even explore several of the dungeons. I have also tried the "Normal" mode, but it was not even close as satisfying as the "Story" mode.
Overall: This is a very niche game that is an extremely good time for those that enjoy RPG's.
One other note: Do not play it by yourself. This is a multi-must-player game.