This game is not hentai and is very amusing and fun to play

User Rating: 10 | Dokidoki Majo Shinpan! DS
The first time i saw Dokidoki Majo Shinpan, i thought "Who would by this type of game?" but then i looked at some reviews so i decided to try it out and it turns out it is a very fun game. And the touching scenes are only 1 part of this game. It has a story line that can keep you glued playing it for hours at a time with different chapters for each of the characters in the game. Eventually when you finish the game, you want to play it again because its addicting. It's just a shame that this game will never be translated into english. It was a big hit back in japan and it should be just as big if they released the translated version here. So here are my scores ( I can't count the wrinting because i can't speak japanese):


Storyline is fun, Gameplay is overall outstanding, Great character design


Will never be translated, some chapters are way more confusing then others (Only because i can't read what they are telling me)