This game marked one of my first forays into video gaming. Not only is it incredibly entertaining for children, but it also helps to teach responsibility and a hard work ethic. The player takes the role of Donald Duck, and the goal of the game is to make money doing 4 different jobs in order to purchase playground items for his nephews. You can then control the nephews in order to play on the playground. The setting is a little town where there are several buildings. There are the 4 buildings where the jobs are, and a couple stores where you can buy things with your hard earned money. The different jobs available are working for a grocer, a toy store, a train station and an airport. The jobs vary depending on where you're working, but they all pretty much deal with sorting and organizing things. The railroad is a little different, you control the switches to make sure the trains get from point A to point B. This game is fun, as well as educational for children. This game would make for an excellent update.