Donkey kong on the go but is it good...

User Rating: 9 | Donkey Kong GB
Yes it is good it is one of the best gameboy games made this is like the original but a little different.This game has ok graphics but you wont care aout the graphics you will be amazed at howgreat this game is.I got this on 3DS a few months ago and it is worth the money.This game is donkey kong on the go which is amazing.If you liked the first donkey kong then you will sure like this game a lot.Donkey kong's concept is donkey kong kidnapped peach and mario has to come rescue her like most mario games.This may not be the best version of donkey kong but it is a great one.Score:9.0 out of 10.The levels are good better then the original levels and easier.This is easy and hard like every game.This game came out a long time ago but it is still as good as it was back then.Nintendo did a good job on this game.