User Rating: 10 | Donkey Kong 64 N64
THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVR PLAYED! AMAZING EVERYTHING! except for 64 bit graphics, but then it wouldnt be called a Nintendo 64, now would it? Since you need the red thing to put in the console, it makes the graphics 20% better than all the other N64 games. The bosses are fun and mostly easy, so you feel like a video game god when you beat them. Every one's favorite character, Chunky, definitly contributes to this game. Altough it is kind of a simple plot, it is very amazing. There are some pretty funny jokes in the games. The crappy thing about Rareware is that the voices arent very good. But the Monkey Rap song is like my favorite song ever, so the "sound" is still a perfect 10. Not many people are very fond of this game, so it's not going to change the meaning of "Video Games". But, it's my favorite game.