People say sequels are never as good as the original...How wrong they were.
What seperated this game from its predecessor DKC? I'm going to have to say the music. Plain and simple. The music added so much to this game that to this day i listen to it and still get chills to how well it was written. Webbed woods, Bramble Blast were my favorites.
The game wasn't short either or easy. I brought with it the beautiful level designs from the first DKC and added in new features like the Lost world which added on about another 8 levels and a lot more replay value.
My only complaint is the animals they got rid of from the first one. I loved the frog a lot more than the snake, but i guess I shouldn't complain. (At least we didn't get the elephant from the third one). At least they still had rambi and engaurd and I guess squawks...
They need to make games like this again, platformers can still live. Also, Devs need to stop making this donkey kong konga crap, its putting a bad name on DK.
Just as a side not I believe that ever since DK 64, the DK series has gone downhill because of it. It was just mario 64 in monkey form.