The production quality is top-notch, and the gameplay still hasen't lost it's charm. An excellent game.
The graphics in Donkey Kong Country 3 simply look amazing for a GBA title. All the characters and enemies animate beautifully, and the backgrounds and levels also look extremely detailed and impressive. Games on the GBA don't get much better than this, altough these haven't been the BEST graphics; they're still very impressive for a GBA game.
All the background music and soundtracks have been re-done specifically for the GBA version. You won't be finding the same music as in the SNES version, which is a personal dissapointment for me, as I found the SNES music to be quite good. The sound effects are similar to previous Donkey Kong GBA titles, and are good. The music does sound a little wierd when you turn the volume up all the way though, but this is the case for most GBA games as well.
What can I say? It's fun and simple. The best kind. There's lots of different side-missions to make you re-play the levels over and over again, and I don't see why you wouldn't anyways...the game is very fun. Then even added an extra world to increase the play time!!
Donkey Kong Country 3 is an excellent GBA game and I would definitely reccomend picking it up to anyone who loves action platformers and liked the SNES classic. The production quality is top-notch, and the gameplay still hasen't lost it's charm. A lot of new things have been added to the game (ie. new music, a new world, mini-games) that make it one of the best ports for the GBA in my opinion. Definitely check this one out.