What's that I hear? It's not DKC3...
But wait.....WTH happened to the GBA Version?
Is it the graphics? .....um no they are amazingly good (much better than DKC2). Gameplay? Well some of the stages aren't in the correct order but that's not it.......man what is it that I can't put my finger on?????? ................blank................blank........................OH MY GOD YES I GOT IT, WATSON! The sound! Yes the sound and the music and the sound! Was Nintendo and Rare on pot when they did the sound? I mean COME ON! The music does NOT fit any of the stages, and if you play a stage with both water and land, the stupid music changes! This may sound stupid, but after playing the GBA version a few hours, I switched to my SNES version and played it along with the RIGHT music lol. I mean, DKC2 and DKC made an effort to have the same music, and not ONE tune is recognizable from the Super NES game. I'm sorry, but the SNES version (which I knew before I bought this) is twenty million times better! I mean the graphics are awesome and the gameplay is great (haven't gotten to this new world Pacifia yet but I am anxious to), but the sound just don't cut it for me....but the rest of the game is AWESOME!
TIP: When playing, mute the sound on your DS/GBA, and if you have the SNES version or the DKC3 soundtrack, put that music on for whichever stage you are on, you'll be glad you did lol.
But there's my review and will keep wishing that NIntendo/Rare will make a DKC4 someday lol! That would be sweet.....make your own DKC like they did at zeldaclassic.com.......coolies.