Another fun Donkey Kong game for the Snes

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Donkey Kong 3: Nazo no Krems Shima SNES
So if anyone who is reading this review that has read my Donkey Kong Country 2 review, will think I am totally crazy considering that I think this game is better then the 2nd one, well I have to agree maybe I was a little less understanding on the second one, but I really feel that I enjoyed this game a little more then the 2nd one, if I am being honest and I will explain why. First off lets start with the Music, its a lot different then the 1st one and the second one in fact I don't like the music as much as the 1st one and the second one however I will praise them for their originality on it.

Just because I don't think it is better then the 1st and 2nd I do think it's actually pretty good. Now lets talk about the controls I mentioned that on the first one they are perfect, however on the second one I feel like they took a step backwards from the first one, well on this one the controls are better then the second one and are almost as good as the 1st one I didn't really have any problems with them. The Level design was also quite good, not as good as the first one but they were again very different and original, but then again so was the 1st ones and also the 2nd one. So we are back to the original formula with the character Kiddie Kong and Dixie Kong(similar to Donkey Kong and Diddie) I honestly like this more then diddy and Dixie, people might think i'm crazy but I just enjoy having a bigger character on my team. They are both pretty easy to control on this one(besides when Kiddie Kong throws the barrels)Dixie feels much better to play as on this one then the second one for some reason for me. A lot of the boss battles felt very uninspired for me on this one, they were alright but they would definitly be a down point for this game. King K Rool was at his worst on this one, Like I said for the other bosses he felt very unispired on this one. The ending was the same as the first two, just a list of the characters again, wish they would of changed it up.

Overall this game is really fun, and I really enjoy it, I know most people will think I am crazy that I am putting this game over the 2nd one especially since the 2nd one is known by many Donkey Kong fans to be even better then the 1st one, but it is just an opinion, in no way do I think Dkc2 is a bad game just not the best out of the 3 in fact now that I look back maybe I would make it a tie between Dkc2 and Dkc3 to be my 2nd favorite.