It's not as good as the old but we'll take it!

User Rating: 9 | Donkey Kong Country Returns WII
Here it is DKC returns a long awaited game. The game is the same as the rest the bananas get stole and it's your job to help Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong to get them back. Retro Studios did a good job in reviving it, but I don't get why they copied the music and all but not the bad guys we grow to love? Retro proved in this that they could not out do Rares masterpiece and they did a good job in trying but some games are not meant to be remade. In my opinion they should of partnered with Rare if they wanted to remake this game. It was a beautiful game and had all my best music from DKC 1, but it was missing something it was not only the fact they didn't include King K. Rool they just did not have that same magic Rare had in there games.I'm not bashing the game in anyway but if your a fan of the old I suggest this one, but it's not the best of the series by far!

Verdict Retro did a good job but they are still behind Rare
I rate it a 9 out of 10 because of all it had it was a remake on steroids. With my favorite music and all but it was not Rare's Donkey Kong!