The game Donkey Kong Country Returns Rockssss:) 4 me is no.1 in my collection for now. my score is 10/10!
4 me is no.1 in my collection for now.
my score is 10/10! Love it:)
the first donkey i was play is on Super Nintendo Sistem and this time was no.1 too.
Even now play old school DKC...but now is out for wii and is amazing.
Good graph, good sound, amazing 3d effect, gameplay and story.
Now i'm on forest stage it's hard and the reason is that i love this game so much.
The map game is't just like in New Super Mario Bros 4 Wii!
Every map has own 3d effect...(jumping to anther tree, ...)
And if the game are 100€ price i will buy it!
Nintendo & Retro Studios Thx for this amaizing game!
my request is for remake games are:
Final Fight or Double Dragons
so buy this game because the winter is here in EU and don't miss this felling playing this game on the winter time.
snow is out, you don't know what to do???
Love all bay ;)