Donkey Kong Country Returns is a great game but, it's hard to say its an awesome game.
DKCR consists of 7 worlds. Jungle, Beach, Ruins, Cave (Mine Kart world), Forest, Cliff, and the final world I shall not say in the case of spoilers. You go through these worlds getting your items, collecting puzzle pieces, riding mine karts, and oh wait I already explained this XD!!
Well its just like the old Donkey Kong games but one new thing I dont like. The multiplayer. You can play with two people , one dk, one diddy. But it just doesnt help at all. It's easier to pass the controller around when someone dies then to play two player. Now, some people might perfect the two player btu one thing, ONE THING, that sucks about it, is that the camera focuses on the second player. diddy. And another, you can leave DK behind by accident, PLUS, if your playing as DK on the 2 player mode, you cant glide like diddy can, it sucks and you will die every 5 seconds, no joke. Once me and my frends lost 30 of my 50 lives in 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES!!! I would recomend 2 player for speedruns on the game though because diddy can help get things.
It's not a bad game and I recomend it to all DKC players or just plain DK fans. Its not bad but its not addicting. I truly have mixed feelings on this game. But before you start thinking, "Okay then I just wont buy it.", listen here. Me and my friend played that game for about 6 hours straight thru dinner, and never went to the bathroom. all the way until 1 am in the morning. When that happens, you know your playing a fun game. Plus, the multiplayer is great when you wanna have a laugh.
I rate Donkey Kong Country Returns, A bright yellow bannana's 8 out of 10. And I recomend you to buy it.