This is why you should still own a Wii.
Controls: 9.5/10
You hold the Wii remote sideway like all Wii platfomers, but they throw in some motion controls to mix up the action.
Level Design: 9.5/10
The levels are all well designed with great challenges. It's a traditional platformer, you will have to jump from ledge to ledge and over holes, while jumping on the heads of enemies and running from Point A to Point B. But the way they use the familiar designs is brilliant.
Platforming: 9.5/10
This section judges how it does as a platformer, and it does a tremendous job. It's that familiar run and jump from the start to finish of a level formula we've all come to know and love, but a great level design makes it tons of fun to play.
Challenge: 9/10
A good challenged game, starts off easy and gradually gets harder and by the end, it is extremely difficult to beat. This way it eases the gamer into it. The way DKCR works is that the first three worlds (Worlds 1-3) are very easy but have enough obstacles that even though you will be coasting through it with no problem, you will still be enjoying yourself. Worlds 4-6 are fairly difficult, but no so frustrating it will ruin the fun. You will be getting very intense/competitive, and very angry when you die, but you will still always be enjoying yourself. Then there comes Worlds 7-8. These worlds are absolutely killer (in a good and bad way.) Of course I like some challenge, but holy crud! For worlds 1-6, it was decently difficult but still enjoyable but worlds 7 and 8 just are too frustrating. Don't get me wrong, trying to beat them was still fun, but sometimes I would just get pissed off and have to take a break. Luckily, there is Cheaty Kong who comes in finishes a level for you if you die multiple games, and Nintendo just kinda realizes ur a tard-nugget like me. He will do the level for you and allow you to move on to the next level, but normally when you beat a level it turns from a red circle to a blue circle. When he beats it, it turns gold, which means you haven't 100% beat the game, and I just can't roll like that. But he's useful if you're stuck and you want to move on then come back to that level.
Overall, the game eased you in but became extremely frustrating at the very end.
Music/Sound: 9.5/10
This game features the classic Donkey Kong, jazzy soundtrack and it sounds great. Jumping on the heads of foes and hearing their yelps, or hearing the ding when you collect a coin also all sound great in this game. It has great sound value.
Visuals/Graphics: 9/10
Now, some people may hear the words graphics, and think of ultra-realistic (COD, BF, Halo, FPS titles, etc.) but I judged this game by it's animation, and how it fit as a kid's platformer. The animation looks great. The background are detailed and Donkey, Diddy, and the enemies look fantastic. Nothing looked sloppy or rushed. There are also several small cutscenes, and these look like they could be out of a kid's animated movie. In fact, even during gameplay it looks like it could be from a kid's animated movie. And so the visuals look great.
Camera Views: 9/10
This is a big thing with platformers. The camera might not follow you (like in Epic Mickey) or maybe your character goes out of view. Not in this game. This game plays 2D so the camera is always following you. You will never be out of sight.
Length: 9.5/10
This campaign has eight words and 60 levels. It took me a solid 2 days to beat worlds 1-3, about 4 days to beat world 4-6 and about 2 weeks to beat 7 and 8. I'm an O.K platformer and that took me a week and 2 days. If you're a good platformer I'm assuming it should only take you about a week, and if you're a bad platformer it should take you a month. You can also unlock bonus levels, and there is 5 bonus levels to unlock. These levels were pretty easy and won't lengthen your time at all really. But approximately 2 weeks it still a great length for a game, especially a platformer.
Replay Value: 9.5/10
I've replayed the campaign of this game 3 times and I'm still going strong. I completed it twice with 100% completion and once without. This game has 13 collectables in each levels, as well as bonus rooms. That's right. You have to collect 9 hidden puzzle pieces, which are well hidden and well guarded, and then you have to collect 4 letters K 0 N and G. The KONG letters are out in the open, but at hard to reach places, unlike the puzzle pieces which are just hidden. There are also hidden bonus rooms filled with bananas, coins, and lives to collect. There is a lot to come back and do in DKCR, and it is so fun, you will want to play it again even if you're not a completionist.
Variety/Game Modes: 7.5/10
Unfortunately, this is where the game misses out. What I never liked about platformers, is that they have no extra modes other than the main campaign. Mario Bros DS changed this slightly by adding bonus games, and Mario Bros Wii also did by adding a game mode where you competitively face your friends, fighting for coins, as well as other mini games. The reason DKCR got a 7.5 is because there is co-op mode, but it's only 2 player, unlike most platformer that support 4 player co-op mode which is a shame. Co-op in DKCR still is fun, and you get to play as Diddy Kong (with a jet pack and a peanut gun to shoot) as well as Donkey Kong (with the power to destroyed this by shaking the Wii remote.) But here are no bonus mini games, no 4-player co-op and nothing to really distinguish it form other platformers. However, co-op is enough for a platformer, I guess.
GAMEPLAY: 9.5/10