Epitome of Replay Value.
User Rating: 10 | Super Donkey Kong SNES
Needless to say, Donkey Kong Country is a classic that every proclaimed "gamer" needs to play at least one time through. Donkey Kong Country has amazing visuals, incredibly thorough gameplay and a famously popular musical score. I remember when I play DKC for the first time years ago thinking - "Wow....look at those graphics". Of course, graphics have come a long way since then, but seriously, who won't admit that their jaws dropped the first time they saw this game in all it's glory? The thing that makes this game revolutionary and a benchmark that all platforms should follow is its replay value. I have beaten this game dozens of times and I'm still not tired of it. It feels like a new experience every time I play it and for some reason, the notorious mine cart level never seems to get less challenging. For this, I believe that every person of all ages should play this game at least one time through. Insta-Classic.