DK Jr is taking over where daddy failed. The level are even better and more challenging than before. He may be small but he does damage just like his father did. Basically this game conceptually is like the first but more challenging. Just watch out for Jr because he has a his own way of getting to you. Now you get platforms with better colors and harder traveled paths. And if you like fruits then Jr will supply them for you. Grab the fruits to get points as you run through the different levels. More points, mo points and mo points for you to obtain. Don't worry, just as you defeated Donkey Kong the first time Jr will be next. Take your time with patience and he too will be defeated also. Loads of fun so spend hours playing and enjoy yourself. Play the original on Genesis system before you go anywhere else. Always respect the foundation before you look for or play duplications.
Year is 1981, developed by Nintendo inc. Early platform... This game is the perfect early platform game and a instant classic. You control your character, Jumpman, yes he is back and name has not changed to Mario yet. An... Read Full Review
Donkey Kong Junior followed closely on the heals of Donkey Kong. Similar to Donkey Kong but with a twist you play Donkey Kong Junior and you are trying to rescue your father Donkey Kong from Mario. It is assumed that i... Read Full Review