This was a once great game, but does it stand the power of time?
Well there isn't much of a story to it. There's no dialogue to tell you what to do, although it is obvious what you need to do. You don't know why he kidnapped the princess, you do not even know what her name is(it might tell you what her name is in the original game's guide, but this is on the VC). The only reason it deserves this much credit is because this is what started it all.
It is the same thing over and over again, Level 1-Stage 1,2,3/Level 2-Stage 1,2,3/etc. The first few times through can be really fun, but nostalgia doesn't last for too long. This game can get pretty boring fast for today's society.
This game is full of beautiful and bright colors. It seems to have decent graphics for the time that it was made, although they have aged badly.
Ugh, the sound can be very annoying in this game. Just the sound of him walking mixed with the repetative music in this game makes you want to put your TV on mute.
The control in this game is very poor. Sometimes it is inresponsive, and gravity plays no factor in this game. How does someone die by jumping from a height that they are just as tall as. It seemed to be better back in the day.
To answer the question, no, it doesn't stand the power of time. This is a very poor game. Only get this game if you are a die-hard fan of it.