"Eh" I've seen better

User Rating: 6 | Donkey Kong NES
Honestly, the classic games that everyone has played are:Pacman,Mario bros.,Space invader,Galaga,and Donkey kong. Now when it comes down to it, I would rather play any of the others listed than donkey kong, and for multiple reasons, the first being,THIS GAME IS SLOW! You jump over barrels...for some reason it is more fun than it should be...but anyway, at least mario has a bit of variance. This game may be a classic, but that does not make it good, a good game is determined by many things, but a big one is the overall gameplay, and when it comes down to it, Donkey kong just doesn't stack up to the other classics. I have spent much of my free time trying to find a way to make this game more fun, ex.Playing upside-down,playing while drunk,playing on the toilet, and nothing works. Bottom line, it is worth playing through a few times, but once it is beaten, it loses all of it's glory.