If you're really interested in getting a first look on this old game, this is the easiest way to go.

User Rating: 6.7 | Donkey Kong NES
I got my first points card and spent 200 points on Donkey Kong. I had seen som pics and parts of it in Wario Ware games etc and I thought it might be a good experience to try it. First of all it was extremely cheap compared to a normal video game. Using one tenth of the total amount of points in the card, that was still half the price as any other game it turned out to cost me one twentieth of what I usually pay for Video games. (might not be the same in the US, with different currency)

I started by playing multiplayer with my brother. Me with the wii-mote and he with one of our 'old' GC-controllers. Took a couple of tries before I had mastered the tecniques needed to beat Donkey Kong, and racing against my brother in terms of points made it all a bit more fun. Still, there wouldn't really be much of a difference from playing the Single Player one time each. A bit uninspired.

The graphics were nothing special, but I didn't expect anything either so I'm not disappointed in them at all. I like the music themes though, and even if it is boring playing for oneself for a longer time I really enjoy playing this against other people.

I know that if I had been there when it was new, it would have been really great, but now, I can't really give it a high score. There are a lot of better games for the wii. I'd say Monopoly is more fun. Get that instead.