Gets boring fast.
The gameplay is fun for a while. It’s just like the arcade version. If you think this game is like Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda where you could play for hours and hours then think again. It’s not like the gameplay is bad or anything like that it’s just that it gets repetitive and boring quickly. This game is like Duck Hunt where it’s fun to just pop in and play once in a while.
There are some differences between this and the arcade version. Lets start with the good thins. You no longer have to use quarter to play, so now it’s easier to get good at it.
The bad thing about the GBA version just like the NES version of Donkey Kong is that it’s missing a level. There wasn’t enough memory on the cartridge so Nintendo couldn’t include the “Pie Factory” in this game. The only way you could play it is in the arcade version.
The controls are simple. The directional buttons are to move and the “A” button is to jump. You can’t do anything with “B” button.
The graphics are really simple but I guess at the time it came out it looked really good.
The box art in this game feels old school. It’s one of those black box NES games. If you don’t like simple box art then you probably won’t like the box art.
This version Donkey Kong is alright but if you played the NES version there really isn't a reason to get it. If you a are a collector you should get this game.