Doom, now better then ever in a free-ware version, although I’m not too sure it matter that retailed for $9.00

User Rating: 8.9 | DOOM PC
A ground breaking game for it’s time and it was one of the first 3D games. Something I found interesting was how easy it was buy to days standards, even at the harder levels. It’s amazing to see how much games have changed in such a short time. I worth the time to play just to see today’s games past…were they all started so to speak.

On something of a side note…if you have Doom 3 there is a mod that recreates the original Doom, however it doesn’t by any means give you the originals game play. The remake play much more like Doom 3, but it’s still fun.

(keep in mind the scores I give reflect the time in witch the game was originally released, and not today’s graphics/game play)