Doom with achievements and xbox live is more addtictive than ever.

User Rating: 8.8 | DOOM X360
If u have been playing PC games as long as i have and u have good taste u probaly remember sitting in front of ur PC for hours playing Doom. You would probaly remember keeping up everyone in ur dorm room with shotgun blasts, drifting away during work thinking about wielding the massive BFG when u get home, or maybe u also remember the media blaming it for violence with little to no evidence to back up thier theroys, good memories. Well u can relive those memories now with Xbox live, Xbox achievements, and Splitscreen. But for those of u that r new to Doom the game is pretty easy to pick up on (although i prefer a keyboard and mouse), the story is set in the next century sometime around the 2140's on Mar's moon Phobos and the U.A.C ( Union Areospace Corparation) is doing expriments and what do u know? they realses hordes of Denomic creatures and ur character happens to be a marine so it's ur job to blow the creatures back to the pits of the inferno they rose from. If u r new to the Doom series u would probaly think this game has bad graphics, but remember it is the father of FPS and even to this day most of us enjoy playing it. The single player aspect of the game consists of fast paced run n' gun levels. There also isn't cut scenes just bascially a slideshow between chapters with words below it. In multiplayer u can choose from the modes Co-op or Deathmatch, Deathmatch being a free for all and Co-op is playing through the story mode with 3 other players. But playing doom with other ppl and headsets is a very fun experince and i recommend this game for all fps players.