When the PSX first hit, it came packing heat with DOOM!
With all of the glory that is the PSX version of DOOM, it still suffered from pixalation. Granted, the game was not designed with fancy filters in mind, so why complain? I have to admit though, when you compare the PC and the PSX versions side by side, the PSX seems to look a bit smoother.
Audio in the game is just amazing. The music is all here, including the grunts, groans, growls, snarls, screams, etc. Play it alone in the dark with the sounds turned up, and you may be looking over your shoulders out of paranoia.
Controls for this game are slick and smooth. You will find every button in use. Interestingly, the controls for the PSX version are better than those for the PC. Midway and GT Interactive took some time to properly map the controls to ensure proper game play experiences would be had by all.
I doubt anyone will be complaining about playability. The learning curve is no different than the PC version, but with the great controls, everyone will pick it up in a snap. You will find that you won't die from cheap deaths, or getting stuck in odd places. With no sign of slow downs, or poor game play, everyone will enjoy this game.
Overall, this is a true Playstation classic. If you can manage to find a copy, snap it up. If you let it go, you will regret it. DOOM is here to stay, even after all these years.