No other game nowadays scares me like Doom scared me back in the 90's. And guess what? Its still scaring!

User Rating: 8.7 | DOOM X360
No other game nowadays scares me like Doom scared me back in the 90's. And guess what? Its still scaring!

This game is just plain fun. I just got a 360, my first Xbox I did not have the original. I played Halo 1 and I got bored really fast! It wasnt suspenseful I felt like I knew what was coming and when it was coming. Doom is just so suspenseful and you never know whats gonna happen. I just love to play this game no other game exept maybe Resident Evil gives me that feel! This brought us all of the great FPS of today, and the fact that this game is sitll being played 13 years after its release. Well damn Viva La Doom!

Gameplay is great. Move around with the left stick, move your gun with the right. One thing that could be better is if you could actually aim with the gun but you cant really move it around. It still works nice tho, nice and smooth. The graphics were pretty good for 1993 and well obviously does not stack up well to the competition it has today. But nonetheless for the time, great graphics.

The sound is PERFECT! The music is so intense and it gets your adrenaline pumping! Nothing beats when your about to turn a corner and you hear a monster grunt . The gun blasts sound great too. I personally love the sound in this game, it is PERFECT.

As for value, for 800 mp ($10)... this game is a MUST HAVE for EVERY X360 owner especially if you are a fan of FPS because this paved the way for games like Halo. Its a must have and I suggest you buy it right away.