THE First Person Shooter!
You are a tough as nails space marine sent to Mars to investigate all the strange stuff that has been happening on the planet. You are sent through a teleporter and the only weapon that makes it through the teleporter with you is a small Pistol. That is pretty much the story. What follows though is fast paced, blood and gore filled action.
Though the gameplay does seem a little old and simplistic today, back then is was something nobody had seen before. You go through the levels collecting key cards/skull cards to open doors and advance to the next level. Along the way you shoot down a varied amount of enemies. Some can be simple to kill like the Zombie soldiers and Shotgun guys some enemies like the Cacodemons and Barons of Hell require more firepower and a little more strategy and then there are the Spider Masterminds and the Cyberdemons which are a pain in the ***. The levels are very open ended and you are required to go through all the rooms and hallways looking for the cards and any ammo or medkits.
Again the graphics seem poor today but in 1993 when the game was released, they were the most realistic and awesome visuals at the time. There are a lot of different lighting effects that really set the moods of the levels. Though the textures get very pixelated up close, everything is perfectly clear when you are playing. There is also no slowdown and everything runs very smooth.
I just love the sound effects of Doom. From the MIDI music files to the grunts and groans of the enemies. Everything seems to fit perfectly. The guns sound realistic too especially the Shotguns.
You can buy Doom now pretty cheap in a collector's edition set that includes Doom II and Final Doom so right there is a lot to keep you occupied. Also, you can download Mods and download programs to make mods. That and Multiplayer make this game seem like it will never end.
Decent graphics and great sound mixed with simple yet superb gameplay make this game a must have.