With the apeal of horror and originality, the second first person shooter ever made shadows out the first.
Doom helped spark the genre we know as, first person shooters, putting you looking through the sites of a soldier's eyes. You'll encounter downright devious ambushes and ammo shortages as you pile up the bodies throughout the balanced levels. I say balanced because there is a puzzle side to Doom, mostly in the form of unlocking doors and finding the game's many secret areas, but there's puzzles none-the-less. Back when it was ported to the SNES in 96', this game created the most gut wrenching fear you had ever felt while playing a video game. Doom does this by making you seem inferior to the immensely scary and sometimes strong enemies, and also putting you in closed courters, making your paranoia almost constant. The most overlooked feature of Doom is its AI, it might seem simple, but the fact that every demon is out to get you adds much suspense to every corner. The graphics might seem out dated to gamers now in 2004, but they don't realize that if they were experiencing the game at the same time, they'd be scared out of their mind too. Also adding to this fear will be the groans of the devil like monsters that sift, run, and hover through the levels, along with deeply creepy music that serves its purpose well.
After all these years, gamers don't seem to appreciate what this game has helped achieve, with out Doom, you can throw 007 Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Halo, Halo 2, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Half Life, Half Life 2, or any other shooter right in the trash. Just be grateful of what this classic has given us today. After all, it's really a solid title to begin with.