's another console port of Doom. Make what you will of it.
[Really, I don't see the need to go through Doom's overall gameplay. You should already know.]
There are some good parts to this port. Controls can be customized a little, and if you have the 6-button controller, weapons can be directly selected or cycled in both directions. Also as I said, you can access any of the levels from the beginning. The graphics at least match the other versions. But the lacking areas pretty much outweight the positives.
For example, the sound chip is ancient. And it kinda bastardizes the music in Doom. While the sound effects made a nice conversion, the music is pretty, well, bad. You also can't save during gameplay, and there's no multiplayer. Monsters can only display a front side. Weapons are cyclic-access only if you have the 3-button controller. Also only 7 monster types in the game. The status bar only displays ammo for whatever weapon is equipped (as opposed to all weapons in some other versions). And worst of all, NO BFG!
While all the negatives in this port may hint at a bad game, really it isn't TERRIBLE. But like all the other ports of Doom, they all are either downgraded from the PC version or changed so much they are hardly the same game. Worth getting if for some odd reason you can't get a powerful enough PC to run Doom, but don't be surprised if you only play this version and then wonder why people love Doom so much in the first place.