Doom's story really isn't a story. It's really just a quick plot kept together by text scenes in certain points of the game. Basically, you are a lone space marine who goes to the Mars-located UAC, or United Aerospace Corperation, because of "disturbances". You learn that the corperation has been testing portals that will help everybody's space travel by putting the exits to the portals to their destination. Unfortunately, the portals accidentely open the gates of Hell, and it's demonic army unleashes their wrath. Every one of your buddies has been wiped out and turned into zombies. It's up to you to go deep into the base and stop the horde.... alone. The story is just an excuse for you to go and shoot demons. The game is made up of three different episodes (four if you have the Utimate edition.) that have eight levels each. At the end of each episode, you are treated to a text scene that moves the game along. Sometimes you get a peice of beautiful artwork showing a certain event. But that's about it. The game itself isn't very long. Each level's "par" time is about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The longest level's par time is about five minutes. But the difficulty is so hard you will spend much longer going throught the level. Probably because you can die often. There are 8 weapons in Doom. They are your fists, a chainsaw, a pistol, a shotgun, a chaingun, a rocket launcher, a plasma rifle, and a BFG9000. Most of the weapons are self-explanitory except the BFG9000. No, nobody knows waht it stands for. Probably "Big Frickin' Gun". When fired, it damages everything in the room. There are also a couple powerups. The graphics in Doom are great. Back then, I mean.The lighting effects are good, and overall it looks fine. There are dosens of enemies in Doom. The most common are the undead solier and the imp. The undead soldiers come in three forms, one has a pistol, one has a shotgun, and one has a chaingun. These are the easiest to kill, but the chaingun soldier and the shotgun soldier are very dangerous when encountered in groups. The Imp is a brown demon who shoots fireballs at you. There are a lot more enemies, such as the Lost Soul, a flying head on fire, the Cacodemon, a hideous ball that floats and shoot balls of fire, the Pain Elemental, which is also a flying ball that shoots lost souls out of it's mouth, making it a huge threat if you don't kill it quick, and the extremely dangerous Arch-Vile, which can not only damage you heavily, but can revive dead enemies. Luckily, Arch-Viles are extremely rare. There are many more, but it would take a long time to tell you all of them. There are some bosses in Doom too. The most notable is the Cyberdemon. A huge demon with goat legs that shoots extremely dangerous rockets at you. This is THE most dangerous enemy in Doom. And nobody can say otherwise once they have been up against it. This guy is super hard to kill. Luckily, you only have to deal with him once. That is, until Doom II and Final Doom roll around..... The controls in Doom are extremely simple. By default, you use the Ctrl key to fire, the arrow keys to move, number keys to change guns, Shift key to run, Scape Bar to use thing and open doors, and that's about it. As far as sound goes, it definetely deserves a 10. For the time, the sounds were awesome. And some of the sounds still are. The weapon sounds are one thing that id got down perfectly. And even developers today have trouble with it. The weapons (Especially the shotgun and plasma rifle) sound very powerful. Many with a base-heavy BOOM when you fire. The music is just absolutely awesome. They are all rock tunes, but the pacing changes from level to level. From the music on level one that makes you feel like you have to move as fast as possible ( to the music on level 8 that adds a sense of mystery to it all. ( The multiplayer is fast paced and action packed. It's basically you running around and blasting people really fast. That's it. Nothing else. So, that concludes my look at Doom. Hope you enjoyed it.
Arguably the best shooter ever made and in my opinion the best game ever made, Doom changed the fate of the gaming industry forever with its gory, fast paced, straight forward gameplay. It set the standard for future fra... Read Full Review
I remember when i first played Doom in 1994 and I feel kind of anxious. After playing all day, late at nights, i had a lot of nightmares about the monsters I was killing in the game, dreaming about Mars and those fascina... Read Full Review