It's been a real pain, having to wait almost 9 months between the PC and Xbox release of Doom 3, but I must say it was worth it. All the incredible graphics, sound, creepy mood, and that hard-boiled gameplay made it to our Xbox. Graphics, nothing can explain how amazing they are. Realistic bump mapping, high quality dynamic lighting, and an insane level of detail help to bring this beast to life. Many complain, "OMFG The graphics SUCK!!!!1". You have to experience them for yourself, but on an HDTV with component cables, it has visual quality on par with its PC counterpart, let alone just Xbox games. Everything is clean, realistic, and stylish. Easily the best looking Xbox game EVER. Sound, nothing can explain how amazing it is. Numerous little noises here and there help to bring a creepy ambient atmosphere to the entire game. However, I am confused by whoever says the weapon sounds are underpowered. All the weapons sound like they are designed to take down demons from hell, and are absolutely satisfying to use. Anyways, everything in the game simply sounds incredibly cool. Add in your 5.1 surround sound, and you've got the best sounding Xbox game EVER. Gameplay, nothing can explain how f**kin cool it is. Sure, it ain't Halo, where you've got a divine depth to shootout strategy, but it sure does look pretty. Many have stated that the game is quite repetitive, and that aside from scoring hits most of the time, the monsters are weak overall. This is true to an extent, but then again, the "Hard" difficulty is just waiting there to be selected. Collector's Edition, for a measly 10 bucks, it will make any Doom fan overjoyed. With individual interviews of each team member concerning Doom 3 development and its history, a G4TechTV Icons feature that lays out the history of the Doom franchise, a lengthy conception art featurette, and most importantly, ports of Ultimate Doom and Doom 2, with full 4 player splitscreen support. Although they're not perfect (many sounds are somewhat different in tone/balance and there's a significant background glitch), it's a marvellous bonus that redefines the term "Collector's Edition". Wrapping up, this is a magnificent gem of a game that no Xbox owner should be without.
Gameplay Gameplay in Doom 3 is pretty simple but fun. You walk around, shoot monsters. That's pretty much it. You really never really run out of ammo so, unless you have a really bad aim, you really don't have to str... Read Full Review
DooM 3 for x-box proves itself to be better than the PC in several ways,but it also shares it's amount of areas that needed polishing. DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways, First off,the blo... Read Full Review