When I first heard that a new Doom was coming to PC in 2003, I flipped out and was thinking about the first time I ever played Doom. It was one of the games that made me look at violence and gaming in a diffrent way! I can say Doom 3 is by far one of I.D Software's greatest games ever made. This will be a classic and change the way we look at games all over again. It's really fun, scary, chalenging, and it has a great story line. If you are a FPS fan this is for you. If your not, THIS IS FOR YOU! Doom 3 is a genre all on it's own. I can truely say I am proud to have this on my shelf with my other games.
Gameplay Gameplay in Doom 3 is pretty simple but fun. You walk around, shoot monsters. That's pretty much it. You really never really run out of ammo so, unless you have a really bad aim, you really don't have to str... Read Full Review
DooM 3 for x-box proves itself to be better than the PC in several ways,but it also shares it's amount of areas that needed polishing. DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways, First off,the blo... Read Full Review