Doom 3 is the hardest game I have ever had to review, mostly because the games three separate modes (campaign, co-op and multiplayer) are all so drastically different, so the game gets a score for each section, then each section is weighted and a final score is presented at the end. Doom 3 has landed on Xbox, and although better then its PC counterpart, the Xbox port of Doom 3 just isn’t good enough to make it in a world of already perfect online shooter games. Campaign: Welcome back to hell soldier. If you have never experienced the thrill ride that is the Doom series, boy you are in for one helluva ride. The campaign is taken directly from the PC expansion to Doom 3 titled Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, and it’s also a lot better. The campaign is supposedly 15 levels of demons tearing it up on Mars, but it actually ends up being more like 40 levels, as save points and load spots seem to divide the journey better then the actually level segments do. The campaign is also about 15-20 hours long (decent time of completion), and congrats if you ever get to the end. The whole idea is that for some reason. Hell has spontaneously erupted on Mars and you need to use the chain guns and chainsaws (that everyone always brings to mars of course) to blast your way out….alive. Levels are mostly indoor corridors and hallways littered with assorted demons and creatures that are really pissed off, and to get through, you need to blast the hell out them (catch the pun?). Never before on a modern console has there been such a straight forward, run and gun shooter. Unlike Halo 2 and 007 games, all you do is shoot. Grenades, jumping, vehicle jacking (or vehicles at all), duel wielding and environment interacting are extinct in Doom 3, all you do is shoot until you can reload, a concept almost too easy to grasp. The campaign offers thrills and chills, and does so while looking great and sounding great in what is technically speaking, the best console game to date. That being said, the campaign is only a one time game. After you beat the campaign, I can guarantee you will say “well that was nice” and be done with the single player portion of the game forever. Overall, worth playing, but if you can make a rental out of it, then that’s a better option then dishing out 50 bucks for a short run and gun experience. Summary: solid, and very good technically, but not as exciting (or repayable) as Halo 2 and some of the other shooters now available. SCORE: 8.5/10 Cooperative Mode: In Hell, it takes two to tango. Doom 3 on the Xbox has one major strongpoint: co op mode. Although basically all the co op mode boils down to be is a shorter and slightly modified version of the campaign with lots more enemies, it is surprisingly refreshing to sink into. The co op mode is a short campaign that takes somewhere between 5 and 10 hours to complete, and it actually offers a better variety of gameplay then the campaign does. With a partner to take on hell with you, you need a totally new strategy to survive. Suddenly, ranged weapons become incredibly useful. The ability to have a supporting and also and assaulting player makes the game almost strategic in how you choose to fight the demons of hell…or Mars, whichever you prefer. Although it’s not as good as the co op mode in Halo 2, its still incredibly fun for a game that lacks so much else, and its a refreshing break from some of the other boring co op games on the Xbox. Summary: Halo 2 wins again, but still invigorating at most times. SCORE: 9/10 Multiplayer/Online: Houston, there are demons on Mars…. I like Halo 2…a lot, just know that before I make fun of Doom 3. Anyways, there is a dark spot in every game, and for Doom 3, it’s like a shirt with a big hole in the back so everyone can see that it has osteoporosis underneath the clever Co-op mode cover up. The multiplayer is like driving a geo metro on a NASCAR speed way, AND ONLY GOING 10 MPH! The major flaw is the controls that make the game a living hell to play. The sensitivity is slightly off, and most of the time. Trying to aim is like trying to climb Mt. Everest. You fire, miss and repeat. Most of the guns are completely useless (expect for the shotgun), and without your teammates covering you, you will most likely be killed before you can even fire. With only the basic deathmatch, team deathmatch, assault, etc. modes, you can’t really stick with it for long. And with only 4 on 4 action being the highpoint of the online section, it will be amazing if it even holds your attention for a week. Halo 2 could own this game online even if it was crippled with more glitches then Driv3r. Summary: The Master Chief and Bungie are laughing their @sses off just thinking about anybody playing this game online. Score: 4/10 TOTAL SCORE: 7.9/10 (good) Bottom Line: Play Halo 2 instead, and if you buy it, buy it for the co-op, and understand that that is the only redeeming value in an otherwise mediocre game.
Gameplay Gameplay in Doom 3 is pretty simple but fun. You walk around, shoot monsters. That's pretty much it. You really never really run out of ammo so, unless you have a really bad aim, you really don't have to str... Read Full Review
DooM 3 for x-box proves itself to be better than the PC in several ways,but it also shares it's amount of areas that needed polishing. DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways, First off,the blo... Read Full Review