Not as good as i thought it would be. It could have been SO much better.

User Rating: 8.2 | DOOM 3 XBOX
Now, we all know the tradition of false advertising. They did it with Fable (but it was a very good game though, even though it could have been better). They did it with plenty of games before, and they will continue to do it. But never has it been done so great in Doom 3 for the xbox. Let me see, where should i start, i hate the storyline... let me just get into the review, and ill tell you all about it. Now, Graphics wise, it's a very beautiful game filled with many blood splattered walls and excellent weapon designs, on some of them at least. Great lighting, the monsters are very cool looking, even though you'll encounter them a lot on your journey through hell. Onto Gameplay, well it's very simple, point the gun at anything that ISN'T on your side. Pretty simple. But the weapons in this game (even though very standard) are very very uniquely designed to fit the game. I love the soul cube, even though you can only use it like once every level, which is a huge disappointment, since it is the best weapon. Onto Audio. Well, the audio is just right in this game, some of the weapon sounds sometimes sound a little muffled, preferrably when you're using the chain machine gun, but i won't deduct points for that. The errir feeling the game has,, definitely spooks you out from time to time. But, you eventually get used to it. Value of the game. There is really NO replay value at all. I mean, you can beat it on easy, then get "NIGHTMARE" mode and beat it on that, and you're done with the game. Just like that. So, no, they have added xobx live to it, you can play with friends all over the globe and stuff, multiplayer aspect and everything,but since i don't have it, there is no replay value in there to me. Well, my tilt is just rent the game over and over until you beat it on easy, then beat it on "NIGHTMARE" mode. You'll be done "HOPEFULLY" in prolly a couple of weeks.