A pretty good expansion for the hardcore fans of the game, just in case that after such a long game you want more levels

User Rating: 7.5 | DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil PC
Resurrection of Evil is 11 more levels to the original game overaly its fun not as good as doom 3 but not worse it jsut like doom, it worths it, the game has disabled the chainsaw, now you got a ion plasma grabber ,(HL2 gravity gun)
overally its fun to grab stuff and throw at enemies or to threat a huge hellknight by a weapon that you can grab his powerfull sphere and throw it back at him HEHEHEHHEHEHHEHE!

the bouble shotgun will assist you since the previous was weak and heart that you have to collect ammo from human dead corpses , has the ability to slow time and later on after a boss to berserk and increase damage and after another one to be invurnable overally that heart aint ballanced correctly eg you dont use it much because you worry abotu ammo but it always omewhere around there i think its better to sue the soul cube form the previous game or to charge up as you kill monsters, about enemy types there are a few new ones that are nothing more than some achnges of the previous eg imp, the hunter or a funny one for the cubber or however the big fat monster with the 2 cannons is called, and a new spider and lost soul and some boss hellknight, the levels are ok but not as goot as the previous as for the difiuclty its a little harder, especciallyi n hell its a nightmare you gonna have to use slow mo bersek and god with the heart to survive and run out of ammo, no auto save eiter so its pretty hard, finnaly id like to say that the final boss SUCKS propably one of the worst i v seen eg if flies around and throw hell balls at you or meteor stortm, am not convinced hot to defeat him either grab the balls with the grabber and thorw them back or keep shooting ,well kinda sucks, so pretty good game for an expansion!