Good lord, THIS is Doom? Damn.
Moving on.
So this is Doom. I remember playing the original Doom on my old....old computer. The grapics of the new Doom have been overhauled tremendulsly. However, you never see the great graphics because it's always too dark to see. (Sounds familiar, Splinter Cell fans?)
But IMO, the sound is what sells the thing. Gameplay is repetetive and bare-bones, but the sound is what makes this game SCARY! Creepy, event-based sounds cause your spine to tingle as you open anither, blood soaked door. I's an empty room. Again. But you hear the orcheastrated sounds start to ramp up and Bam! A Hell Knight spawns, making you wet your pants.
I bought the Limited Edition, which is what you have to buy if you want the full experience. I mean, full editions of Dooms 1 and 2 ? Hell yeah!
Overall, if you want a rewarding, story based shooter, well....this ain't it. But if you want a graphic, bloody, Doom-y shooter. Look no further. Doom has come.