Any game that will give me a nightmare...... is scary enough for me! When i first played this game, i was wowed by the graphics.... Some of the best I've ever seen on the Xbox..... up there with Splinter Cell and Halo 2. Sometimes the jump-in-front-of-your face doesnt work sometimes...... but the atmosphere will send chills like you wouldnt believe..... when you first see some of the monsters though...... you're able to tear through it a little too easily.... but its Doom.... i was expecting this. :P some of the scary moments that really stuck out for me were the woman crying part..... i when u finally come to her..... she says help me..... and then (SPOILERS) a freaking lost soul rips out of her face.....god..... And believe me..... bring an extra pair of undies for when u go to delta sector 4...... that hallway will scare the *&^*( out of yeh...... just wait until you reach the end of it...... O_o.... and dont get me started about those cherubs...... the only thing i'd tell you is you will wonder "what the (") were they smokin?" The competitive MP is my only complaint.... i mean come on...... give us more than 4 ppl.... but i got it for the coop..... freaking incredible.....Overall.... this game left me terrified and greatly impressed
Gameplay Gameplay in Doom 3 is pretty simple but fun. You walk around, shoot monsters. That's pretty much it. You really never really run out of ammo so, unless you have a really bad aim, you really don't have to str... Read Full Review
DooM 3 for x-box proves itself to be better than the PC in several ways,but it also shares it's amount of areas that needed polishing. DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways, First off,the blo... Read Full Review