Superb in everyway!!! I love this game and it totally screams for attention!!! You'll have nightmares for weeks!!
You wanna talk about a game that will put the fear back into you this is the game to get. I play and watch all horror type games/movies and never get scared. But I'll tell you what this game for sure creeps you out. Have this game playing in the dark and if you got it with suround sound and your in for a scream fest of you life.
When it comes to gameplay I'ld have to say that its very addicting. Going around corners and shooting at the dark thinking that something is in there will definately keep you on your toes, especially when you turn around and find a monster right in your face.
The controls are super responsive and the graphics are so detailed. Thinking about the demon baby thing still gives me the chills.
The sound is perfect in the dark. Growls to screams to even the baby cries are scary especially when your trying to pinpoint the origin of the sound.
The replay value is a 10 in my book. After playing and beating the game I had to play it again to see if I could do better or check out how hard something would be to kill with a certain weapon.
Overall I'd recommend buying the game, cause you sure won't regret it at all. Have fun and don't let the light go out...bwaaahaaaahaaaa!!!!