A great game but flawed because you have to change your underwear every half hour!

User Rating: 5.5 | DOOM 3 XBOX
Doom is an established franchise and so it should be, after all it did invent the FPS genre allbeit a more horrific one! So I walked down to my nearest game shop and purchased what ohter reviewers had described as "a gem" or "FPS masterpiece". Great I thought, until I put it in the disc drive that is.

Before I had even started to play the game's load up screen was a bunch of video clips thrown together from the game, I noticed the large amount of bodies, dead ones. I saw zombies, imps and a weird dog thing. I was starting to get somewhat nervy.

So I started playing and within one hour I needed a change of underwear because this game played at night can really scare you. Honestly. Doom 3 has to be the scariest game I have played purely because it makes you jump.

Right to the game, the first thing you may notice is that weapons have NO attached flashlight. It's either light or gun. This makes the mass pant filling happen a little more than if you were playing Area 51. Many events occur during the heat of the action like things spawning right infront of you, hellish visions or seeing men be torn head from limb by a huge hungry zombie.

Overall I would say that this game is worth a rent and if you do like it a buy. However please don't rush this purchase or else your hard earned cash down your nearest drain.

Cheers for reading TKQ!

PS Do not put sound settings on headphones it adds sounds to make you think something is right behind you.