Doom 3 delivers amazing graphics with intense action and scary gameplay, but still relaible to his father: Doom 1.
and the father of all the shooters that follow him. I think it was and still is one of the most amazing games ever in the short history of pc games.
It's look like it took many years for id software to develope this game, and ones it was relesed the expection bar was very high.
First of all, it's the graphics which considerd the most advanced there is. id did there best on developing a quality engine for doom 3 which clearly seen in the game. Although you need to posess a super computer to run this game, something like the CIA have, you will be amazed when you first see a monster jumped on you an then splashing to pieces. The shadows, the textures, the models and especially the monsters are all well designed.
Not once I jumped infront of the computer while playing this game when a eight eyes monster that looks like a mutant dog jumped on me from nowhere.
Beside the occasionly heart attack this game delivers, it's belessed by a wonderful plot that will not embarce an Half-life game.
The levels are also were desinged and have many secret doors and hints you can find to help you understand the story better. But as you keep on playing in doom 3 you will see one of it's biggest flaws- repeting gameplay that showen by the recycled levels and hallways.
The varisety of the weapons is good enough to make me happy, and many weapons were recreated from from the original game, like the the BFG (bad **** gun) and afcourse the shotgun.
In the sound department id didn't skipp on good music that help keeping the action during the game. The monsters and people sound good as well with good acting and the weapons sound's are also something to remember.
Although doom 3 is the heaviest game I have ever encounterd and won't work on old computers, there is almost no technicals isusses and it's free of bugs.
The multiplayer is nice but something we havent seen before with Team deatmatch and flga and more.
To conclusion, if your dad works in the CIA or you just win the lottery and buy athe best computer in the market, i say go and buy this if you like good FPS games, doom fan or just a fan of graphics. Don't miss it!