...this is just a remake of doom1 i hate remakes.
Gameplay 8/10
The story line is awesome and h as lots of plot twists but other wise its the same thing. Running from point a to point b with monsters in between. This game isnt as gory as most games but it still is kinda of gory cause when you kill someone they turn into a bone but i dont really like that. The multiplayer is so bad. It supports only 4 people while games like counter strike can support 32. And Delta force can have 64.
Graphics 10/10
This game is the first game to use the doom 3 engine. many games soon will also use the engine a fail trying. for examble quake 4 and prey which recently came out. when you play theses game you just keep thinking this looks just like doom3. but still the graphics are amazing but at the price of efficency. This game will only run on very high end computers. i cant even run(run as in running 30 fps or higher) this game at 640/480 with every thing turned low with a geforce 5500.
It has average voice acting and there is little or no music at all. all you hear is some retarded zombie moans.
value 4/10
This game is mainly single player and many people wish to play this online but there were dissapointed that they could only play single player. This game has little or no replay value. because once you beat it you just dont want to run through all the dungeons one more time even though now the ai are stronger smarter and faster.
Reviewer's Tilt 6/10
This game is mainly a game to introduce new ways of killing things with cool weapons that do cool things.I like the story line i guess:) nice try doom but try harder to impress me.