A tense, thrilling experience that keeps you paranoid. If you are a fan of horror games and/or shooters, buy this one!

User Rating: 8.7 | DOOM 3 XBOX
Doom. Such a recognizable name isn't it? Even if you absolutely despise first person shooters, if you play video games you know what Doom is. Back in the 90's it revolutionized the first person shooter genre, and had the most cutting edge technology backing it up. Indeed many people look fondly back at Doom, always remembered as a great game. The question is then, will this latest game in series be so fondly remembered in 10 years time? I think so.

First I will mention the graphics, and wow are they good. There is a high polish to everything and the whole game comes across as realistic looking and highly polished. The character models also seem to have a very high level of polish and the gun effects and animations are smooth overall and well done.

The game-play is pretty much exactly what you would remember from doom almost 10 years ago. Its a tense corridor crawl that involves you shooting anything put in front of you. The games big thing is that it likes to make you run around in the pitch dark with only a flashlight to guide your way.. and unfortunatley you can only have either a flashlight, or a weapon equipped at one time, and not both.. obviously when you are running into screaming demons in the dark trying to eat you, and you have to hit a button to switch from a flashlight to a gun, it makes for a tense, paranoid experience. However it becomes a little annoying after-all.

To keep its level of paranoia and fear up the game likes to throw every cheap trick in the book at you. Monsters jumping out of floor, ceiling or walls at random points to attack, monsters that will literally spawn behind you, and often times when you are already fighting a monster in front of you. IS that a hidden cash of weapons or healing in the corner there? You can bet a demon will pop out of the wall for a cheap hit. While it can get annoying at times, it does make you jump a lot and helps to keep you on the edge of your seat.

I found however, the absolute greatest part of the game, is the final quarter or so of the game where you are literally sent to hell. Here you lose all weapons you have gained and its a literal fight for your survival again, as you face off against towering, plasma throwing demons, chainsaw wielding zombies, burning skulls that laugh and charge towards you and small baby's with bat wings that try to eat you. Fire and brimstone explodes everywhere and haunting voices laugh and taunt you. It's incredibly tense and atmospheric, and im sorry but if you don't get at least a little enjoyment from hacking up demons with a chainsaw then you won't appreciate this game!

Speaking off chainsaws this game certainly earns its M rating. Make sure to keep this one away from the kids. Its got healthy smatterings of blood and gore every-wheres, and can scare even the most hardened first person shooter or horror lover such as myself.

Overall this game is great, it is dark, very scary and atmospheric. If mixing in a bit of survival horror with your FPS sounds like something you would enjoy then pick this one up. But even if you like either first person shooters, or atmospheric horror games, I can bet you will really love this game, its well done all around with the only low points to be some cheap A.I.