Great! Co-op makes it worth your money!!!
DooM 3's graphics are better in the PC version in several ways,
First off,the blood seems to be somewhat pixilated in this version,leading to a more realistic feel to the PC version.
There's also another problem with the blood in the x-box version,it dissapears in about 15 seconds...As i played it,i attempted to mark places i've been with blood,so i would'nt keep going in circles(which I do in several games),but I soon found out of this problem.
The x-box version proves to have better controls,which dramatically effects the gameplay,therefore leading to a easier game overall.
The x-box version was an easy game,so if your a gamer looking for a challenge,play this game on the hard difficulty,it provs to help.
The sound in this game is awesome,monsters are always roaring in your face,creatures make loud noices as they spawn,demonic voices are always coming at you,which proves to scare the faint of heart as well as the strong....I know....
The gameplay in this game is just as good as your average shooter,but it does have it's share of oddities........For instance,you can't hold a flashlight and a pistol as the same time,chainguns are redicouliously powerfull,ETC...
The incredible x-box version contains a co-op mode,in which two players can go through the entire single player campaign,side by side,which is awesome,and not included in the PC version.
If you buy the collectors edition,you'll get "ultimate DooM" and "DooM 2" with it,which proves to be worth your money,seeing that it costs just as much as the original version.
This game is a lengthy game,so you'll not be dissapointed in the overall game.
This is an awesome game,in many MANY respects,so if your a shooter fan,horror fan,or just looking for a thriller,this game is for you.