Very good graphics, magnificent story. Maybe a little disturbing about the frightenings in the game.
What i liked at most, is the story. I havent played the other Doom`s. I have seen them and i have a little familiar with them, but i think the first Doom was groundbreaking. Although i didnt pay attention then to story. Now when i have finished the Doom3 i can say the story is magnificent. The size of the game is great.
Some time in the middle of the game i thought that there`s too much fright spots in the game. There was like at every corner or room a monster who jumps at your face. And then when you go back a few steps, then there are again monsters. This is the game where i jumped very frequently in my chair. I usually play the game economically - like loading previous save game when i thought i waisted too much good ammo or something. But in Doom3 sometimes i freaked so out that i just smashed the bullets out of the barrels and when killed, i did not load the previous save, cause it was so scary to repeat that again. And i cant describe the HELL better, like it was depicted in the game.
The game ended continually so i want to try the Resurrection of evil as well.
I havent tried the multiplayer yet, but i think it`s ok. But i think that this game is single player only. I just like to play it more as a mission.