User Rating: 7.5 | DOOM 3 PC
What a tease. The start of Doom3 gave me so much hope. I was amazed with the graphics - the lighting was perfect; the execution of the computer consoles was brilliant. I actually loved the whole PDA thing with the emails and voice recordings - it added a nice touch to the game. As for being scary, it was the start. Then as I played on, things started to bother me... I mean, it's been what - 10 years? since the FPS genre came to be. It's come a long way. I mean, back then you couldnt even aim up and down. But it seems like despite all the progress made in this genre, doom 3 decided to forgo half of what makes fps's great today. Things like secondary fire or even a melee attack using your weapon. And the darkness... was it Unreal where at the start, the lights go out and all of a sudden you're being chased by a big alien? Yeah, that was good. It was also kinda cool in Doom 3 the first time. But why does it happen in EVERY room. And why do I have to choose between being able to see and being able to shoot defend myself? Yeah, that's really clever. And seriously, the one thing I hated about Doom1-2 was when monsters would pop out of these small sealed off rooms as soon as you passed them. WHY did you bring that back?! That has to be the most inane thing the world! Why are they in there?! Who put them there?! Who let them out!? That's not good game design. I can understand people saying that the reason Doom3 is the way it is, is because it's SUPPOSED to be a kickback to the old genre. But look at games like Metal Gear Solid that manage to retain the oldschool feel with all of the progress we've made so far in the industry. ending note: you cant climb a ladder while holding a rocket launcher. that's almost as dumb as being able to kick with both feet in duke nukem 3d.