4 years to make, 3 days to beat... Another one under the belt. Doom III - the good, bad, and annoying GOOD - It's absolutely beautiful on a high-end system. - Accomplishes the horror factor quite well BAD - the story-line and NPC interaction are weak - levels get repetitive - enemies are relentless but rather stupid - some sounds are weak (weapons fire, monsters growl) - lacked storyline immersiveness ANNOYING - no flashlight in/on weapons... special forces/SWAT use those - can't equip flashlight and a weapon together - no grenade auto-toss button (like Halo) - no weapon secondary fire or melee attack BOTTOM LINE Doom III was a cool experience, but there's no replay value and multiplayer sucks. Good solid old-school FPS...and not much more. - icebergjtr
I think this game is indeed the best game I've ever played. I like it because it scares me, though I've played it before. The gameplay is really rapid, you should always load your weapons, otherwise you would be torn apa... Read Full Review
This game is not for the faint of heart, the paranoid or the weak stomached. Playing this game alone in the dark with headphones at full blast is one of the most enjoyable if un-nerving experiances you can have with a ga... Read Full Review