I really don't get all the Doom3 hating on these forums. Granted, just as PC Gamer was anxious to be the first official publication to print that the game was the Second Coming, many wish to be the first to say that it sucked. That's all fine and well but the simple truth is that whether or not to like this game is a matter of personal preference. Case in point: the Matrix sequels. While they were blighted with scathing reviews from critics and fanboys alike, I actually enjoyed the hell out of them and I was very satisfied with the end of Revolutions. In the same vein, I'm enjoying the hell (no pun intended) out of D3. The reason for such widespread disdain for the Matrix sequels is obvious - hype. Thus is the Doom3 dilemma. We had over four years to make this the be all, end all of gaming - your PC could explode into bits, gaming could cease as we know it, the sun could go red giant and swallow up the earth - it didn't matter, Doom3 would be here in xx days/months/years. As with all things hyped, it could never eclipse its own shadow. So for all those that want to hate it, be my guest. Me - I have other plans. A little background...I was ushered into the sheer ecstacy that is PC gaming back in '95 (showing my age a bit) by none other that the original Doom. Graduating college in '97 and landing a job in '98 finally afforded me the resources to buy my shiny new P2 266 Mhz rig and thus pave my path into hardcore PC gaming. Since then, I've played all that id has to offer and, with the rest of the PC gaming world, have been amazed with what new graphics engine Carmac and crew would change the face of gaming. August 3rd was no different. In fact, If you consider that I've been seriously playing PC games for the last 6 years and with Doom3 in development for over four of them, the development of this game, has pervaded the majority of my career as a PC gamer. In a way, I have come full circle - it's the end of an era for, so to speak. But I digress... Doom3, though it may be simplistic at times is truly an amazing accomplishment for id. Not only does it flaunt thae most advanced graphics engine to date, id has taked great paind to ensure that D3 runs on essentially outdated hardware - talk about community support. I can't do any further justice to the actual experience of the visuals except to say that they are sublimely surreal. The sound in this game creates one the most immersive, interactive environments I've ever experienced - and the weapon effects sounded great to me. As for the fear factor, I still can't grow the balls to play D3 without at least a nighltight :) I could say much more about the overall stylish presentation of D3, its sheer visceral thrills and all that, but all you really need to know is that I recommend this game as highly as I can. I know a I sound like a fanboy, but I'm not. My hardware consists of Pentium and ATI components - hardly the stuff of the commited Doom3 lapdog - but the game still runs flawlessly on high settings. I'm merely a discerning gamer. With a family and full-time job, my time for gaming is short and I need to sift thorugh all the potentials that come along each year to find which titles are worth my time. I believe Doom 3 is worth much of my time and as a matter of preference, I believe Doom3 is a great game and true classic - be it for its infamy, if not its innovation.
I think this game is indeed the best game I've ever played. I like it because it scares me, though I've played it before. The gameplay is really rapid, you should always load your weapons, otherwise you would be torn apa... Read Full Review
This game is not for the faint of heart, the paranoid or the weak stomached. Playing this game alone in the dark with headphones at full blast is one of the most enjoyable if un-nerving experiances you can have with a ga... Read Full Review