I waited 4 long years and it was everything I wanted and love it till this day!!! With the high tech gunz and...

User Rating: 10 | DOOM 3 PC
Like I said I waited 4 long years for this game to come out and its 3 years old and I still love this game. Ive always loved doom, its orginal! you know? They always release a product that changes something to the world of gaming! Good: This game was the biggest hype with half life2 and halo2 coming in 2004! For multiplayer Halo2 and half life 2 with having mods to support it beat doom there. But Doom3 was a single player based game and this is why i loved it. Right now games are lagging a good story to make u feel like ur in a movie feeling it. I remember reading alot of previews how this game scared the living Sh!T out of ppl"editors"! I remember installing and entering the world of DOOM all over again!!! I couldnt believe how the cut scenes looked just like the gameplay. I honestly feel this was the game to start the next gen. Along with half life these 2 really started next gen gameplay. WIth real time lighting,rag dolls,physics,5.1 surround audio,Movies quality graphics!!!!! Bad: I would have to agree with some the game was alittle too dark but i beg the differ there. They made it out to be where u couldnt see anything which they are totally wrong. This is what made the fear factor for the game u know? It made u think and get closer to the screen while wondering if a demon would jump out of the dark corners. This game had nothing wrong with it!!!!!! Gameplay: The gameplay changed how games were made for sci fi horror!! Like i said in good comment with the ground breaking graphics,but the game did great with others than eye candy graphics.. I love Id software they care what us gamers want and pay 50 bucks for. They knew it would sell millions of copies. The game did a great job with AI for the enemies where they talk and flank you! Story: Alot of people dont realize this game is a stand alone doom game, pretending 1 and 2 never happened. Instead of doom1 being on the moon and going to hell and then playing in hell then going to earth to start Doom2. your on Mars, and its great how this story goes with the DR behind everything. You start to go i cant wait to know more! Well, when the DR starts to talk to u and explaining everything. It felt like a real invasion from hell would be like! With a few survivors and evil everywhere! I know theyre gonna make doom4, they have a lot of holes in the game to make it happen. Overall: This game was 4 years in development and wasnt lacked to just sale its name. It was the first game to make me tired from the constand horror in it. It was the first game to make me feel i was there with the realistic lighting! This is my all time favorite game, it sticks with the orginals! With the chainsaw,plasma rifle,BFG and it was kinda the same setup. If you re scared to try it out, thinking theyll ruin a classic they didnt! This game deserved a 3 on it! It was so a DOOM game!