Doom 3 a huge letdown

User Rating: 3.5 | DOOM 3 PC
To be honest, I think ID should stick to making game engines, they stink at making games. I mean come on, the mars base for one thing was designed for the creatures to hide in not for you, LAME! Also where is the story at, I was expecting something deeper, I don't mean like Deus Ex deep, but something more than shoot the demon find a key shoot another demon and so on. Further more what is it with this trend in games to make the lead character mute. To be interested in the character and care about him or her they need to have a personality, like J.C. Denton from Deus Ex, Cate Archer from a spy in harm's way. That would make any game more immersing. Could you amagine Duke Nukem without those great one liners. If duke was mute it would be just another shoot-em up like doom 3. Sigh! Please whoever is reading this in the game development comunity, stop making zero gameplay games like doom 3. The PC gamers in America I'm sure are a lot like me, they want deep involving character driven, story driven first person shooters like Deus Ex and A Spy in harm's way, not doom 3, or any other brainless, shooters. GIVE US QUALITY GAMES PLEASE!