The first of the three juggernaut first-person shooters to arrive this year. This game is creepy as Hell.

User Rating: 9.6 | DOOM 3 PC
Doom 3 is possibly the best first-person shooter to come out this year (only until Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 come out) and one of the best games of all time in my opinion. Many people will argue that the game-play is too standard, but this is, in fact, untrue. In my personal opinion, this game has plenty to offer as far as game play goes. If id added things like vehicles, duel wielding and things like that, some people would still complain. The game play is great as it is. The graphics in this game are absolutely amazing. So great in fact, that even the highest of high end machines still cannot run Doom 3 on the Ultra detail settings. This doesn’t mean that the game’s graphics will suck on all computers. My midrange system with a P4 1.8 and Radeon 9600 AIW Pro will run this game on high level detail at 1280x1024 resolution with practically no drop in fps. The sound is another extremely good feature about this game. It is highly recommended that you play this game with surround sound (5.1 or higher). Even without surround sound, the game will still manage to spook you with endless eerie sounds. The flaws in the sound include the underpowered sounding shotgun. Actually, I think that this is the only flaw and even it is so insignificant that you will hardly notice when blasting the crap out of demons. Another note-worthy point of this game is how it will make you jump out of your seat. There are games that scare you by surprising you (i.e. some one jumping out of nowhere), and Doom 3 has plenty of these points. Doom 3 also has points that may actually scare you by freaking you out. *Possible Spoilers* you may be walking around a dark narrow corridor and the screen bay turn red and distort as random creepy stuff happens, like dead bodies start to fly and weird voices beckon you. When you are immersed in this game and this stuff happens, it is actually pretty horrifying. Some key arguments against this game are minor little nit-picky things like not being able to hold a flashlight and a gun. People argue that you should at least be equipped with night-vision in this game, but seriously… how are you going to enjoy Doom 3’s graphics when everything is green. The only weak point I see in this game is the multiplayer. It sticks to the old-school Doom death match with only 4 players. This will get old pretty quick, and granted some servers will host up to 16 players, the multiplayer is still pretty weak. Doom 3 is my favorite FPS (until Half-Life 2 arrives on Nov. 16th) and if you don’t set your expectations through the roof like most people, you too will appreciate the beauty of this truly amazing game. I recommend this game to any Doom fan, any FPS fan for that matter, and to any one looking for a great FPS single-player experience.