Scary as Hell...literally!

User Rating: 10 | DOOM 3 PC
Doom 3 is much different than the previous dooms. But its not just the graphics, its the gameplay. Doom 1 and 2 where all about finding a key and just killing stuff. Doom3 is all that stuff the dark! The fact that they started a new story but still kept the core is great, and interesting. Another good thing is the length, it is a long game. And because of that, it has an extremly good replay value because you're like "I don't remember that!" and thats a good thing. It seems new even though you have played it.

Another thing is that it is scary, you can be walking down a long hall and then a demon jumps out of nowhere! It is 2009 and I still play Doom 3! I also still make maps for it because the map editor is SO amazing.

I recommend this game to any fan of Half-life, F.E.A.R. and fans of any other Horror FPS.